Thursday 24 September 2015

Revolução tecnológica ameaça o futuro do emprego no Mundo

.. o futuro do capitalismo e' que esta ameaçado!!

Cheap automation raises risk of ‘premature deindustrialisation’

"While emerging economies such as China have been able to industrialise by leapfrogging technologies, the challenge for the next generation of emerging economies is that they will have to leapfrog industrialisation itself.
Models of economic development will need to feature more investment in education, faster implementation of new technologies and — most importantly — higher rates of local innovation. Managing this process is, however, easier said than done."

We've reached a tipping point where technology is now destroying more jobs than it creates, researcher warns

Toda a gente sabe que a tecnologia vai destruir o capitalismo e que a humanidade terá de escolher entre: 

  1. uma sociedade de ricos a mandar em robôs
  2. robôs a policiar o gado humano (  

Para prevenir que a humanidade coma "Soylent Green", teremos que esquecer este neoliberalismo sabujo e implementar um governo Marxista-Leninista!

Temos que NACIONALIZAR os seguintes sectores (necessidades básicas da humanidade):
- Banca (para deixar de falir e o povo pagar)
- Alimentação (para acabar com a fome)
- Habitação (para acabar com a especulação)
- Educação (para acabar com as universidades privadas que vendem diplomas a burros)
- Infraestruturas (telecomunicações, transporte de energia, agua potável, saneamento, reciclagem de lixo) 

Como ainda não atingimos um estado de desenvolvimento tecnológico que nos permita transformar energia em matéria e vice-versa, a produção de energia, equipamentos industrias, medicamentos, eletrodomésticos, e exploração espacial serão relegados para o setor privado.
No momento em que os cientistas do CERN descubram o resto dos segredos da matéria (campo de Higgs, mini-black holes, graviton), permitindo a construção de uma impressora 3D que imprima um bacalhau assado no forno, um copo de agua pura, umas flores para oferecer a namorada, etc .... teremos atingindo o nível tecnológico necessário a uma implementação com sucesso de uma sociedade comunista.        
As experiências comunistas anteriores (URSS, China, Cuba, etc) falharam por serem demasiado precoces para o nível tecnológico da altura.
Digam la como e' que o capitalismo pode sobreviver se existirem impressoras 3D Einstein (E=m*c^2) ?

Replicator (Star Trek)

The End of the Capitalist Era, and What Comes Next


Orthodox Maxists and Left Communists take an Impossibilist stance, believing revolution should be spontaneous as a result of contradictions in society resulting from technological changes in the productive forces.

Count Henri de Saint-Simon is regarded as the first individual to coin the term socialism. Saint-Simon was fascinated by the enormous potential of science and technology and advocated a socialist society that would eliminate the disorderly aspects of capitalism and would be based on equal opportunities. He advocated the creation of a society in which each person was ranked according to his or her capacities and rewarded according to his or her work.

Socialists view creativity as an essential aspect of human nature, and define freedom as a state of being where individuals are able to express their creativity unhindered by constraints of both material scarcity and coercive social institutions. The socialist concept of individuality is thus intertwined with the concept of individual creative expression. Karl Marx believed that expansion of the productive forces and technology was the basis for the expansion of human freedom, and that socialism, being a system that is consistent with modern developments in technology, would enable the flourishing of "free individualities" through the progressive reduction of necessary labour time. The reduction of necessary labour time to a minimum would grant individuals the opportunity to pursue the development of their true individuality and creativity.

Vejam como os governos vigaristas neoliberais enganam o povo dizendo que a porca da inflacao e' 0% !!!!

The current BLS methodology of calculating CPI takes into account changes in consumer purchasing preferences. In the simplified example presented, if there is no change in consumer behavior, then the calculated CPI would be 10%. This result is identical to that obtained with the fixed basket method used by Williams. However, if consumers change their purchasing behavior and fully substitute TS for FM, the CPI will be 0%. If consumers reduce their purchases of FM by 50% and purchase TS instead, the BLS calculated CPI will be 5%.

Read more: Why The Consumer Price Index Is Controversial

If You Want To Know The Real Rate Of Inflation, Don't Bother With The CPI

Why does the government want low inflation numbers?

The CPI is tied to the incomes of about 80 million Americans, specifically: Social Security beneficiaries, food stamp recipients, military and federal Civil Service retirees and survivors, and children on school lunch programs. The higher the CPI, the more money the government needs to spend on these income payments to keep pace with the cost of living. However, this same government is about $17 trillion in debt. If the CPI is low, the less money the government needs to spend on cost of living adjustments, something seniors are astutely aware of.

Morte aos vigaristas !!!!

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